In fact, Gmail, Apple Mail, and Outlook all offer these automated tools. If you need to learn how to unsubscribe from unwanted emails, we recommend using the Unsubscribe button that most email providers now offer at the top of email messages that the client picks up as possible spam.
Unfortunately, these messages can quickly overtake your mailbox, especially if the company sends messages daily or, even worse, multiple times per day. This often happens when you purchase a product from an online vendor or enter your email address on a website to receive a coupon code. There are many instances where you receive spam messages because you somehow signed up for a mailing list. Get Rid of Existing Spam by Unsubscribing From Mailing Lists If you only type the domain name manually, all emails from your Inbox folder may be affected. ⚠️ Warning: You need to CLICK a domain found in the search results.